
SUPERTED 2023 meeting

SUPERTED 2023 meeting took place from 23rd to 24th of January, 2023. The meeting consisted of three parts: (1) Project status reports, (2) Recent research advancements, and (3) Consortium reporting preparations. The meeting discussed the status of each task so that each partner knows what has been done in each work package during the final reporting period of the project. In addition, the recent research advancements related to the project were discussed and the consortium prepared for the reporting responsibilities of the final period.

More information: SUPERTED 2023 meeting

SUPERTED 2022 meeting

SUPERTED 2022 meeting took place from 9th to 10th of June, 2022. The meeting was hosted by the consortium members at the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy. The meeting discussed the status of each task and prepared for the reporting responsibilities of the final period.

More Information: SUPERTED 2022 meeting

SUPERTED 2021 meeting

SUPERTED 2021 meeting took place online on 5th of February, 2021. The meeting host was the coordinator at the University of Jyväskylä, and the meeting consisted of three parts: (1) Project status reports, (2) Recent research advancements, and (3) Consortium reporting preparations. The meeting discussed the status of each task so that each partner knew what has been done in each work package during the second reporting period of the project. In addition, the recent research advancements related to the project were discussed and the consortium prepared for the reporting responsibilities of the second period.

More Information: SUPERTED 2021 meeting

SUPERTED 2019 meeting

SUPERTED 2019 meeting took place in Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain from 16th to 17th September, 2019. The meeting was organized by Centro de Fisica de Materiales (CSIC) and Bihurcrystal, Spain, and it consist three parts: (1) Review meeting, (2) Open workshop, and (3) Consortium wrap up. In the meeting we went through the whole project so that each partner knows what we have done in each work package in the first year of the project.

More Information: SUPERTED 2019 meeting

Kick-Off meeting

SUPERTED Kick-Off meeting took place in Jyväskylä from 24th to 26th September, 2018. A total of DSC_8707 copy.jpg28 researchers participated in the meeting. In the meeting we went through the whole project so that each partner understands well the main ideas and what the conceived problems are.

More information: SUPERTED Kick-Off meeting