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Monday 16th Sept, 2019 (SUPERTED consortium)

Provisional attendees: Coordinator, all WP leaders, other representatives of each partner and selected members of the consortium. 

Time Action Person/Institute 
8:30-10:40 SESSION I Chair: Sebastian Bergeret/CSIC
8:30-9:00 Separate meeting Reviewers/project officer 
9:00-9:10 Welcome words Sebastian Bergeret/CSIC
9:10-9:40 Introduction and background to thermoelectric detection Tero Heikkilä/JYU
9:40-10:00 SUPERTED project: where we are now and where we are heading Tero Heikkilä/JYU
10:00-10:40 WP I: "Sample growth" Celia Rogero/CSIC
11:00-12:20 SESSION II Chair: Celia Rogero/CSIC
11:00-11:40 WP II: "Sample characterization and plans for preparing the detectors" Francesco Giazotto/CNR
11:40-12:20 WP IIIa: "Thermoelectric X-ray detectors" Ilari Maasilta/JYU
12:20-13:30 LUNCH BREAK  
13:30-15:40 SESSION III Chair: Ilari Maasilta/JYU
13:30-14:10 WP IIIb: "Thermoelectric THz detectors" Alessandro Monfardini/NEEL
14:10-14:50 WP IV: "Technology transfer and stand-alone detector" Francisco Lopez-Gejo/BIHUR
14:50-15:30 WP V: "Project coordination and financial issues" Heli Lehtivuori and Sanna Ahoniemi/JYU 
15:30-15:40 Summary and early conclusions Tero Heikkilä/JYU
15:40-16:00 COFFEE BREAK  
16:00-17:00 Separate meeting Reviewers/Project Officer 
17:00-18:00 Feedback and recommendations from the reviewers Reviewers/Project Officer 

Tuesday 17th Sept, 2019 (Open workshop)

Time Action Person/Institute 
9:00-10:35 SESSION I Alessandro Monfardini/NEEL
9:00-9:15 Opening words Sebastian Bergeret/CSIC
Invited talk: "Topology, interface driven quantum phenomena"
Jagadeesh Moodera/MIT
"Growth modes and magnetic properties of epitaxial EuS thin films"
Maxim Ilin/CSIC
"Spin currents driven by Higgs mode in magnetic superconductors"
Mikhail Silaev/JYU
10:35-11:00 COFFEE BREAK  
11:00-12:50 SESSION II Chair: Francesco Giazotto/CNR
11:00-11:35 Invited talk: "Spin Transport in Magnetic Insulator/Normal Metal Heterostructures" Felix Casanova/CIC nanoGUNE
"Theory of Spin Hall Magnetoresistance from a Microscopic Perspective"
Vitaly Golovach/CSIC
12:00-12:25 "Magnetic control of φ0-shift in InAs nanowire Josephson Junctions" Elia Strambini/CNR
"Non-linear spin torque, pumping and cooling in superconductor/ferromagnet systems"
Pauli Virtanen/JYU
12:50-14:00 LUNCH BREAK  
14:00-15:00 SESSION III Chair: Elia Strambini/CNR
14:00-14:25 "ADR based cryogenic system for highly sensitive detectors" Diego Brasiliano/Néel
"SQUID readout of TEDs"
Zhuoran Geng/JYU
14:50-15:00 Conclusion remarks  
15:00-18:00 Consortium wrap up + next year tasks and reporting  All PIs + SUPERTED members